Manufacturing Math I

The first course in manufacturing mathematics. A study of arithmetic and algebraic operations applied to manufacturing circumstances. Fractions, decimals, tolerances, percentages, signed numbers, [...]

Metal Fabrication Projects

The Metal Fabrication Capstone Projects course provides the student projects designed to culminate all skills learned in Introduction to Metal Fabrication, Advanced Metal Fabrication, Metrology, [...]


A review of CMM fundamentals: the principles, practices, and use of coordinate measuring using the Browne and Sharpe Gage 2000 Coordinate Measuring Machine . Introduction to CMM system, CMM [...]

Metrology II

Metrology II provides the student an in-depth review of mechanical metrology as applied in metal manufacturing. Metrology II introduces the student to CMM programming, reviews manual measuring [...]


Metrology is applied in such areas as: manufacturing, aerospace, telecommunications, electrical power, transportation, medicine, pharmaceuticals, food production, packaging, construction, [...]

Advanced Metal Fabrication

Advanced Metal Fabrication will provide the student with advanced metal fabrication skills. The student will learn CNC programming skills applicable to metal forming & cutting equipment. [...]