How to Order Textbooks Online:

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  1. Select “Textbooks” near the top.
  2. Select the term.

Ex: Spring 2023.

  1. Pick your course(s) in the “Select Department” box.


  1. Pick your course number(s) in the “Select Course” box.

Ex: ENG 112

  1. Pick your section number(s) in the “Select Section” box.

Ex: ENG 112 01

  1. Check your preferred option of the material(s) and select “ADD # ITEM TO BAG
  2. If finished, click “My Bag” in the top right corner and then “CHECKOUT” to purchase your items.
  3. Follow the prompts. Create an eFollett account using your student email ending in or sign in if you already have one.
  4. Select your delivery method
  5. Enter in your payment method info (Credit card, Apply Pay, PayPal or Financial Aid)
  6. Once submitted, you will receive an Order Confirmation email. We will work on your order after that. If you selected pickup, wait for our call/email prior to coming to the bookstore.

Please allow 24-48 business hours for online orders to be fully processed.

*Cancelling an Order: once an order has been placed, it cannot be cancelled until after it has been fully processed. A full refund can then be issued to the original payment method. Call the bookstore for this at 860-253-3186