Credit registration is in progress for the CT State Community College Summer Session and fall semester at campuses statewide, with classes available in-person, online, and in hybrid formats.
Summer Session classes start in late May and July. Students can earn up to four credits in five or eight weeks during the accelerated courses. Visit to view classes online.
Students who attend other colleges may enroll in courses at CT State campuses and transfer the summer credits earned to their bachelor’s or associate degree programs. Some students take summer session classes to get ahead in their studies, catch up on credits, or fulfill a prerequisite. Classes in math, lab sciences, social sciences, and humanities are among the topics covered, many of which fulfill general education requirements. Before registering for a course, students who plan to transfer credits should confirm with their home institution that the courses will be accepted toward their studies.
New students can register online or in person. Those who have not previously taken a credit course at one of the CT community colleges can apply online at no cost:
Financial aid is available to those students who qualify, and veterans benefits can be used for summer courses.
Registration for career training certifications is ongoing, with programs and classes in health care, information technology, manufacturing, real estate, culinary, veterinary assistant, and more. Scholarships for information technology, health care, and manufacturing classes are available through CareerConneCT. Certified dislocated workers and those receiving SNAP assistance may also be eligible for scholarships and tuition waivers for many continuing education programs. Some programs are approved for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding through the CT Department of Labor.