ENG* 206
Grade of "B" in ENG* 101 or ENG* 101S and permission of instructor

This course focuses on developing and using literary and professional skills to plan and produce the college's annual professional literary magazine, ongoing college events related to creative writing, and the annual spring literary festival. Students serve on the editorial board of the literary magazine and on the planning board for college creative writing activities and the literary festival. ENG 206 is offered in the fall semester and focuses on preliminary work for the magazine and the literary festival: soliciting, reading, and evaluating magazine submissions; researching magazine publishing and marketing options; planning the student writing contest; selecting and inviting professional writers for the festival; and planning the festival program. In addition, students will work on their own creative writing in a small-group workshop setting, producing a final portfolio of original poetry, fiction, and/or creative nonfiction. Offered: Fall.

Note: ENG 206: Literary Magazine Production I and ENG 207: Literary Magazine Production II are distinct courses. Each course involves different aspects of producing the magazine and the festival, as well as writing new creative works for each course. Students do not have to take ENG 206 before ENG 207, so students may take both courses or take either one individually in any order. This course satisfies the Fine Arts requirement.