Hello Campus Community,

There is a lot happening on and around campus. These easy-to-scan CEO Campus Cabinet News Updates reflect our efforts to curate the latest news and events to keep you in the know. They will also include brief reminders about deadlines.

News Updates

News Updates:

  • Our next All Campus meeting is Wednesday, February 5, 3:30-4:30pm in the Conference Center and Teams. Topics covered include Educational Technology and Instructional Design, Shared Governance, and Security.
  • Employees who have submitted applications for promotion and/or tenure should have received a confirmation email from Kate Dos Santos-Pereira, Maura Kernan, or Michelle Coach. If you did not, please contact us by Monday, February 3, 5:00pm.
  • Please complete the CARE survey by 2/19: CT State CARE Referral Feedback

News Updates:

  • The college will be closed on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
  • Our Spring Semester Kickoff is January 22nd, 1:00pm-2:30pm, in the Conference Center/Teams.
  • Liberty Café is reopening on Wednesday, January 22nd.

News Updates:

Happy New Year!  There is a lot happening on and around campus. These easy-to-scan CEO Campus Cabinet News Updates reflect our efforts to curate the latest news and events to keep you in the know. They will also include brief reminders about deadlines. This information is archived on our website at “About, CEO Campus Cabinet News”.

  • Our Spring Semester ’25 Kickoff will be held January 22 in our Conference Center. Stay tuned for more information.
  • CT State Asnuntuck will be hosting a Meet & Greet with area high school superintendents, principals, and administrators on Tuesday, January 7, 3:00-4:30pm.
  • CT State Asnuntuck is featured in Business View Magazine, pages 87-96. Check it out! Click:  https://businessviewmagazine.com/digital-magazines/dec-2024/87/
  • Professional files are secured in the CEO Office Suite. If you would like to review your professional file, please contact Maura Kernan (Maura.Kernan@ctstate.edu) to schedule an appointment.

News Updates:

Dear Campus Community,

As we gather with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you take time to relax, reflect, and cherish the moments that matter most. Let us also remember those who may be facing challenges and extend kindness and support where we can.

As a reminder, the campus will be closed on Thursday, 11/28/2024 and Saturday, 11/30/2024.  We will be open until 4:30PM on Wednesday, 11/27/2024 and Friday, 11/29/2024, but most offices will have limited staffing.

Wishing you and your loved ones a peaceful holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Dr. Michelle Coach
Michelle Coach, Ed.D.
Campus Chief Executive Officer

News Updates:

  • Yesterday, we had a demonstrator in front of our campus. We are working on trainings and meetings on Freedom of Speech and Civil Discourse for a future time.  Please be supportive to our students and provide them with our mental health resources.  Ayan Dirir sent an email to the campus community with more information.  You may see posters or hear discussions that were from yesterday’s situation. Please see my email from around 4:30pm for more information.
  • The weekly Facilities report will be sent tomorrow, Friday, November 22. The report will contain special campus operating information regarding the upcoming holiday week. If you plan to be on campus Wednesday and /or Friday, please be aware of this information.
  • The new Core-CT system will be available on Monday, November 25. Please make sure your timesheet is completed so your supervisor can review and approve it.
  • Ethics and Compliance” training was conducted on campus Tuesday, November 19. Thank you to our CT State Compliance Officer Cynthia Isales for providing this on-campus training and answering questions. The slide presentation is attached here.
  • A list of positions proposed for our budget expansion has been compiled and includes the following: Evening Coordinator (PT @ 17hrs), FT ESOL/English Instructor, FT Pantry/Wellness, Career Counselor (PT, shared, or FT), Shared Trades (HVAC, plumber, electrician), Administrative Assistant for SCP (PT or shared), DEI Coordinator (possibly shared), Lab Assistant, and Sociology Instructor.  We will also be asking for a technical adjustment to our operating budget.
  • A “Shelter in Place” drill will be held on December 19 at 3:00pm. More details will be forthcoming.
  • Save the Date: Our holiday party will be held Wednesday, December 11 at noon. Wear your best festive holiday apparel, bring a favorite family or traditional dessert, and organize your team for a Jolly Jingle Jenga!

News Updates:

  • Reminder:  Applications for Sabbatical are due tomorrow, November 15, by 4:30pm. Please email them to Maura Kernan.
  • Institutional Effectiveness and Planning has produced the latest Retention and Transfer-out report, now available here: CT State SP24-FA24 FA23-FA24 Retention Transfer-Out Report.pdf and in the CT State Data Portal. Special thanks to Naugatuck Valley’s Sohair Omar for developing and delivering this product.
  • If you have further positions you would like recommended for our budgeting process, please speak to your College Council representative or send me an email by Friday, 11/22/2024.
  • Please plan to attend our next All Campus, Tuesday, November 19 at 3:00pm in the Conference Center. Cynthia Isales, CT State Compliance Officer, will be conducting Ethics training. See the invite for documents that you should read prior to the meeting.
  • If any of your students are interested in the “Let’s Get Ready” mentor program, a near-peer mentoring program that pairs students at CT State – ages 18-24 – with experienced student mentors, please have them contact Mary Beth Rajczewski or Dean Tim St. James. For more information about the program, click here.
  • Our Food Pantry had 910 transactions in October.
  • Thank you to all who participated in the “Paint & Sip for Scholarships” fundraiser held Wednesday evening, November 13, which raised funds for the Asnuntuck Scholarship Fund.
  • If you are interested in participating in The Network’s 2024 Holiday Program to sponsor a child for the holiday, please contact Keith Madore by Monday, 11/18/2024. The sponsored child’s “Wish List” will be available soon after.
  • If you have not already attended Core-CT training, please sign up for a session via this link:  Register at https://www.ct.edu/hr/core#training

Hello Campus Community,

Today is Veteran’s Day, Monday, November 11, 2024. It is a floating state holiday for staff and a normal workday for faculty. The campus is open, and classes are held as scheduled.

Whether you are working, in class, or observing the holiday, please take time today to honor all U.S. military veterans for their selfless dedication and service to our country. We extend our heartfelt gratitude and thanks to all veterans for their sacrifices on behalf of our great nation.


Michelle Coach, Ed.D.
Campus Chief Executive Officer
CT State Asnuntuck

News Updates:

  • Our very best wishes to Brad Gilchrist, our Security Guard and former Supervisor, as he begins his retirement journey after 1, 048 days with us at CT State Asnuntuck. He is leaving us in very good hands with his successor, Kara Capoldo. Be sure to check out Brad’s amazing cartoon display in the Tower Lobby.
  • The town’s sidewalks and ramps at our entrance driveway will be completed today, Friday, October 25. The state is waiting for parts to complete the crossing signals within the next few months.
  • The beautiful warm weather we’re enjoying outside is presenting some challenges because our main cooling system has been winterized. Thank you for your patience as we transition to the fall/winter seasons.  If you are experiencing warmer conditions, please send an email to as-maint-request@acc.commnet.edu.
  • Congratulations to Joe Muller for receiving the prestigious Rotary Club Paul Harris Fellow Award, which recognizes individuals who go above and beyond in serving the community.
  • We will be involved in the process of CT State to become a Hispanic Service Institution (HSI).  CT State Asnuntuck student body is 18% Hispanic/Latine for the Fall 2024 semester.  A development committee is being convened, and we need to provide a representative.  If you are interested in serving in this role, please send Maura Kernan an email by Friday, 11/01/2024.
  • Thank you to everyone that attended our All-Campus meeting yesterday.  We spoke about shared governance, and we will have future meetings.  At this time, I have charged our College Council to revise their charter, so we have an interim shared governance body until we establish our new shared governance structure.  This revision will be shared with the campus for feedback.

Update on the evacuation this morning:

This morning, staff in the Mechatronics area reported a gas odor to security.  Security and Joe Muller responded, and the building was evacuated.  The fire department arrived and used their equipment, which detected a small amount of natural gas on the roof above the smaller welding shop.  One of our contractors, Modern Mechanical, had replaced a fan yesterday and planned to return next week to complete the work.  The gasket within the pump was not replaced, and it was found to be the cause of a small leak.  The gas and electricity are off to the pump area until the work is completed on Monday.

News Updates:

  • “Paint & Sip for Scholarships” seats are filling up quickly. Don’t miss out! The event is Wednesday, November 13th at 6:00PM, located at 610 Enfield Street, Enfield. To reserve your spot, please click here:  Register
  • Our next All Campus meeting will be held Thursday, October 24th, 2:30-3:30pm, in the Conference Center and Teams.  Our topic will be Shared Governance. Please review the documents added to the Teams invite in your calendar.  We will begin conversations about our campus shared governance.
  • Two babies have arrived!  Congratulations to Roland Atkinson and Kara D’Angelos on their special new arrivals. Best wishes to all!
  • Welcome Anna Krupitskiy, our inaugural VP of HR at CT State. Anna starts today, Friday, Oct. 18, and we are looking forward to her wealth of experience in higher education HR.


  • Valley Repertory Company is presenting “The Girl with One Red Shoe” on October 18, 19, 25, 26 in our newly updated auditorium. Curtain is at 7:00PM. Tickets are $20 General Admission and $15 Students & Seniors. Order online at www.valleyrep.com or call 860-810-6152.

News Updates:

  • Our campus was very excited to welcome the film crew of The College Tour earlier today, Thursday, October 10. CT State partnered with The College Tour, an Amazon Prime TV show, to create a one-hour episode highlighting our 12 campuses, students, and programming. The soon-to-be-aired show is titled, The College Tour.
  • In case you haven’t heard, the Valley Repertory Company is presenting The Girl with One Red Shoe on October 18, 19, 25, 26 in our newly updated auditorium. The cast includes a notable mix of students, staff, alumni, and community members. For additional information, please see the attached flyer.
  • Saturday, October 12, 6:00pm-12:00pm, our blue light phones will not be operational since a telecom update will be performed. Enfield Police have been informed and will be driving through the campus regularly.


This Monday, October 14, 2024, is floating state holiday (Indigenous Peoples’/Columbus Day) for staff. If you are taking the holiday, please make sure your supervisor is aware. For faculty, this is a normal workday. The campus is open, and classes will be held as normal. Please look for the email from Payroll Shared Services next week for timesheet instructions. DAS 2024 Calendar

News Updates:

  • The remaining Fall ’24 All Campus dates and the rescheduled Town Hall date are:
    • Thursday, Oct. 24, 2:30-3:30pm, Shared Governance
    • Tuesday, Nov. 5, 3:00-4:00pm, Campus Climate
    • Tuesday, Nov.19, 3:00-4:00pm, Ethics Training
    • Wednesday, Dec. 11, 12:00pm, Holiday Party
    • Friday, Dec. 13, 11:00am, Town Hall with President Maduko & Executive Leadership
  • Spring ’25 All Campus dates are listed below. Please send your suggestions for topics to Maura Kernan.
    • Wednesday, Feb. 5, 3:00-4:00pm
    • Wednesday, Feb. 19, 3:00-4:00pm
    • Thursday, Mar. 13, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, Mar. 27, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Tuesday, Apr 8, 3:00-4:00pm
    • Tuesday, Apr 22, 3:00-4:00pm
    • Thursday, May 15, TBD
  • On Monday, November 7, we are hosting an event with the American Lung Association, Community Connections, and Trinity Health. For additional information, please see the flyer, “Envisioning a World Free of Lung Disease.”
  • Lights!  Camera!  Action!  On Thursday, 10/10, The College Tour will be on campus to film our students for a segment that will be aired in May of 2025!  Know that the production team will be here from 1:30pm-7pm and will be filming A- and B-roll footage!  The Tower Lobby is one area that will be highlighted.  I would like to highlight the highly interactive displays that our students and outside community partners have created:
    • Share Something From Your Culture:  An area that students, faculty, and staff can highlight from their cultures.
    • Hispanic Heritage Month Board:  This board shares information of prominent people of Hispanic backgrounds.
    • An Empty Place at the Table:  A display sponsored by The Network bringing attention to domestic violence.
    • Campus Kindness Mural:  A mural where our community can join the interactive artwork with a message of kindness.
    • Where is Your Family From:  A map that allows you to showcase the part of the world your family is from with a pin.

Thank you to Sherry Paquette for her efforts creating such a rich and diverse space.  Thanks to our students who have contributed and a special thank you to Randin Lopez and Jake Griffin for creating these amazing boards!


  • CT State Asnuntuck will be hosting an On-Campus Flu Clinic on Wednesday, October 9, 10:00am–12:00pm, in the Tower Lobby. See the flyer for details.
  • Asnuntuck Night at the Springfield Thunderbirds is on Saturday, October 12th. See the attached flyer for details. Order here: https://springfieldthunderbirds.formstack.com/forms/asnuntuck1012
  • If you have not already gotten your updated CT State employee badge, please see Security to obtain it. The most recent format, requested by Chief Chute, will have your photo set in a square, solid blue background.
  • At the end of each day, please place your waste receptacle in the hallway outside your workspace door. Your cooperation is appreciated.

News Updates:

  • Important update: The Auditorium floor scraping and painting is progressing.  We expect the contractor (Innovative Environmental) to finish scraping and begin painting with latex paint tomorrow or Saturday.  To minimize any paint smell, they will be sealing the Auditorium doors. Workers are applying the paint by brush and roller to minimize the smell.  They will coordinate use of the Auditorium’s rooftop unit to bring fresh air directly into the Auditorium, and fans and air-scrubbers to direct the exhaust air down the side corridor and directly to the outside. If painting will begin on Friday, classes in Classroom 131 will be relocated, the Wellness Coordinator will be relocated to another space, and the homework lab may only be accessible from the library and tutoring office. If painting is not completed this weekend, it may resume next Friday and should be completed by next weekend.
  • Campus CEO Office Hours: Dr. Coach will be holding in-person office hours on Monday, September 23, 2:00-3:00pm, for anyone who would like to discuss the student services areas that were affected during our budget mitigation. Please see Dr. Coach’s email sent yesterday morning (9/18/24) at 10:56am for more information.
  • Events:  CT State Asnuntuck will be hosting three major events next week. We expect to welcome a multitude of guests and visitors on those days:
    • Wednesday, September 25:  Early College Dual Enrollment Summit
    • Thursday, September 26:  Economic Development Breakfast, 8:00am-12:00pm, and Job Fair, 12:00pm-5:00pm.
    • Friday, September 27: Enfield Together Coalition
  • Our Fall 2024 enrollment is up 9% FTE, and we are flat in head count.  Please see the final report: Fall ’24 Census Report.  Incredible work, everyone!
  • Parking Lots: Please remember to yield to pedestrians in the crosswalks and observe the posted speed limit. Traffic barrels have been strategically placed to encourage slower traffic patterns per Chief Chute’s recommendations.

News Updates:

  • Thank you for attending our first All Campus meeting this semester. Also, thank you for your patience with the sound issues at the start of the meeting. The Auditorium will be having technology and audio upgrades in the near future. We met in the space to share the amazing renovations that have occurred thus far. Please see the attached presentation: All Campus, September 11, 2024 . If you have questions or need further information about Campus Operations, please contact Fred DiMauro.
  • Mark Your Calendar:  The Asnuntuck Foundation is sponsoring a Paint & Sip evening on Thursday, November 7th , 6:00pm, at Tipsy Paint Brush in Enfield. All are welcome to join in on the fun.
  • All our EV charging stations by Building 2 are now up and running.

News Updates:

  • Our next All Campus meeting will be held in the auditorium on Wednesday, September 11, 3:30-4:30pm.  Hope to see you there!
  • Please encourage your students to check out the numerous clubs that are available. Sign-up sheets can be found in the Tower Lobby for the next week or so. There is something for everyone! Students are also welcome to start a club. Sherry Paquette, our Director of Student Activities, is the person to contact.
  • Please see the attached CT State preliminary Enrollment report for Fall ’24 from Monday (Fa24 report from 0903) and the CSCU preliminary Enrollment report for Fall ’24 from today (Fall 2024 report from 2024-09-06).
  • Our Food Pantry had 363 transactions in August.
  • Reminder:  Please do not leave food or food wrappers in your office wastebaskets overnight. Please put waste receptacles outside your office suite to quick trash removal. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
  • Fun Fact:  Did you know—Taking a walk on the sidewalk around building 1 equals 0.34 miles!  That means, you can get some fresh air, recharge, and clock a mile by doing 3 laps around the building!

News Updates:

  • CT State Asnuntuck’s Student Orientation and Registration (SOAR) event will be held Tuesday, August 20th and Wednesday, August 21st.  As of 8/15/24, there are 101 students and 79 guests totaling 180 people registered for the August 20th session. There are 55 students and 43 guests totaling 93 people registered for the August 21st session.
  • Liberte Café reopens on Monday, August 26th. Their hours will be Mondays to Thursdays 8:00am-2:00pm and 8:00am-1:15pm on Fridays.
  • Our Semester Kickoff will take place Monday, August 26th at 1:30pm in the Conference Center.
  • Please stop by the library to welcome Jill Egan, our new part-time reference librarian.
  • Please see today’s enrollment report: ​pdf icon Fa24 Preliminary Enrollment Report 2024-0819.pdf Amazing work, everyone!

 News Updates:

  • The Preliminary Enrollment Report for this week:  Fa24 Preliminary Enrollment Report 2024-0729.pdf
  • The Asnuntuck Foundation Golf Tournament 2024, held earlier this week, was a wonderful success, raising nearly $70K ($69,668) to benefit our students. Many thanks to the volunteers, donors, and sponsors who made this possible!
  • Our first All Campus meeting will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 11 in our Auditorium. Stay tuned for more details.
  • In July, the Food Pantry had 451 transactions, emphasizing the continued need for this important resource.

 News Updates:

  • The Preliminary Enrollment Report for this week:  Fa24 Preliminary Enrollment Report 2024-0729.pdf
  • The Asnuntuck Foundation Golf Tournament 2024, held earlier this week, was a wonderful success, raising nearly $70K ($69,668) to benefit our students. Many thanks to the volunteers, donors, and sponsors who made this possible!
  • Our first All Campus meeting will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 11 in our Auditorium. Stay tuned for more details.
  • In July, the Food Pantry had 451 transactions, emphasizing the continued need for this important resource.

 News Updates:

  • The Preliminary Enrollment Report for this week is linked below and available in the CT State Data Portal https://ctregents.sharepoint.com/sites/ctstatedata.  This is a product of CT State Institutional Effectiveness and Planning. You are encouraged to forward these numbers to anyone at CT State or CSCU who requires them. If you have questions about this report, please contact your friendly neighborhood institutional researcher.

Fa24 Preliminary Enrollment Report 2024-0722.pdf

  •  A filming crew was on campus Monday and Tuesday (7/15-16) to capture footage of our AMTC students and staff in action for a manufacturing commercial. The initiative was sponsored by CT Chief Manufacturing Officer Paul Lavoie to promote manufacturing in Connecticut.
  • We’re looking forward to seeing the players and volunteers at our Golf Tournament on Monday! Please remember to bring your water bottle and wear sunscreen.
  • Campus buildings will close at 9:00pm Monday through Thursday next week (9/29-8/1).
  • Please remember to keep food in sealed containers in your office. To assist us with removal of food waste in your trash, please place the containers outside your office suite door when leaving campus. This will help remove garbage efficiently and avoid unwanted pests. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • Exciting news! If you haven’t seen this yet… click here: 

July 12, 2024

Hello Campus Community,

There is a lot happening on and around campus. These easy-to-scan CEO Campus Cabinet News Updates reflect our efforts to curate the latest news and events to keep you in the know. They will also include brief reminders about deadlines. This information is archived on our website at “About, CEO Campus Cabinet News”.

News Updates:

  • Enroll in A Day is being held Saturday, July 13, 9:00am-1:00pm. We’re looking forward to welcoming students and their guests.
  • A temporary sidewalk was installed at the intersection of Elm Street and our CT State Asnuntuck Campus entrance for a cross walk. It will take a couple of months for state approval for the signal. Once approved and the signal is installed, the sidewalk on the other side of our entrance will be completed.
  • The Asnuntuck Foundation’s popular golf tournament, being held July 29 at Twin Hills Country Club, is sold out and now has a waiting list of golfers. However, there is still time to volunteer. If you are willing and able to join a fun-filled day as a volunteer, please contact Cheryl Cyr at cheryl.cyr@ctstate.edu
  • In June, the Food Pantry had 424 transactions, including 160 manufacturing transactions.

June 27, 2024

Hello Campus Community,

News Updates:

  • Please welcome Garrett Pinder, our new Library Director, who will be starting on Friday, June 28.
  • Our campus buildings will be closed Saturday, July 6. If your office has modified hours during next week, please post them on your main office door by Monday, July 1.

June 14, 2024

Hello Campus Community,

News Updates:

  • June 18, 2024, was CT Pardons Day Coalition (501 C3). Informational/educational clinics were held at six of the CT State campuses to provide information as to the pardon application process and requirements for individuals who were previously justice-involved and seek to have their records expunged. A fingerprint clinic was provided, and a lawyer was at each site. Approximately 320 people attended.
  • CT State Asnuntuck recently hosted OSHA certified instructor training provided by the OSHA Training Institute Education Center Keene State College. Participants completed two one-week training sessions:  #511 General Industry Standards and #501 General Industry Trainer, which were paid for with Perkins V funding. One AMT Instructor from CT State Asnuntuck Welding Program and three instructors from CT State Manchester participated. Every student in the CT State Asnuntuck’s AMT Program will now take an OSHA 10 class taught by the six AMT Instructors who hold this certification. Students will earn an OSHA 10 General Industry Certification.
  • On Thursday, June 20th, CT State Asnuntuck’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology Department hosted over 20 people from area manufacturing companies who are members of Aerospace Components Manufacturers (ACM). They discussed an “Introduction to Mechatronics” course to be held in September for employees of ACM companies to learn more about Mechatronics and why it is important.
  •  P&W EHRO Inspection Class
    • During the week of June 3rd, 12 employees from Pratt and Whitney attended a 32-hour class focused on Quality Inspection concepts to improve their knowledge in this area. Basic Shop Math, Engineering Drawing Interpretation, Inspection of Torquing, Measurement Theory and Gaging Techniques concepts were covered.


  • P&W Engineering Training Program
    • During the week of June 10th, 16 engineers from Pratt and Whitney attended a 40-hour training to learn the process and procedures to manufacturer “The Model 23 Hole Punch.”  This training presented a mock production environment where participants produced their own, personal Hole Punch that they assembled from parts produced as a group. This lab experience exposed participants to the tasks, concerns, and problems experienced in a production environment.


June 7, 2024

Hello Campus Community,

News Updates:

  • The Food Pantry served 318 unduplicated households for a total of 766 transactions in May.
  • A Graduation Ceremony will be held at Robinson Correctional Institute for graduates on June 18 at 9:00am.
  • Mark Your Calendars: The Town of Enfield’s Independence Day Parade is on Saturday, July 6, 2024 at 11:00am. More information about the parade can be found at https://www.enfieldcelebration.org/home/events/parade. Once you have signed up, additional details about marching will be emailed to you. The deadline to reply is Friday, June 28th.  Click here to Join the Parade!
  • Save the Date:  The Asnuntuck Foundation’s Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament, benefitting CT State Asnuntuck Students, is being held July 29 at Twin Hills Country Club, Long Meadow, MA.  For details, click