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Provides students with hands-on experience in the daily functions of a publicly funded or nonprofit organization that operates within some parameter of the criminal justice system. Provides [...]
Students who take this course receive in-depth instruction in the areas of probation, parole, pre- and post-incarceration offender supervision, and alternatives to traditional incarceration. [...]
This course will introduce the student to the science of criminal investigation. Students will learn about searching the crime scene, interviewing witnesses, interrogating suspects, methods of [...]
This course provides an in-depth study of criminal procedure and due process as they are applied to policing and correctional management. Students will study diverse topics of concern to criminal [...]
This course is an exploration of the purposes of criminal law, the problems of crime in a free society, elements of a crime, criminal liability and responsibility, defenses available to […]
Introduction to individual rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, the workings of the U.S. Supreme Court, the Bill of Rights and their application to individual states, the significance of [...]
The multifaceted concept of juvenile delinquency. Explores the relationship between social attitudes and definitions of youthful law violations. Examines some of the popular causal factors of [...]
Students in this course develop an understanding of the crime by reading and discussing the leading theories related to the phenomenon of criminal behavior. Students will examine the influence of [...]
This course will prepare the students for the application and testing phases of the hiring process in law enforcement, as well as other related criminal justice fields. Students will receive […]
This course will provide the student with an overview of the psychology and sociology behind various gangs around the country. In-depth coverage will be given to local gangs' symbolism [...]