Transfer Admissions Information:

University of St. Joseph Transfer Information

Equivalency (Course to Course Transfer) & Transfer Resources:

  • Program to Program Guides for Accounting, Management, Child Study (with K-6 Teacher Licensure), Psychology, and Social Work.



  • Guaranteed Admission Program for Adult Learners:
    Apply at any time in your Connecticut community college academic career for Guaranteed Admission into the University of Saint Joseph Program for Adult Learners for the following programs: Accounting, Psychology, Management, Social Work, and Nursing. As a Guaranteed Admission student, you will enjoy academic and professional advising by University of Saint Joseph faculty and a seamless transition from the community college to University of Saint Joseph.Your admission will be guaranteed once you:

    • Complete your associate’s degree
    • Earn a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or above
    • Enroll in the Program for Adult Learners within two years of earning your associate’s degree
  • Applications are available in the Admissions Office. Please contact Jill Rushbrook, Transfer Counselor at for more information.


Contact Information:

Beverly J. Schott

Assistant Director of Admissions

(860) 231-5384